Get to Know Montenegro: A Rising Star in Real Estate & Tourism

Revolte Consulting
10 November 2023
Montenegro: A Beautiful Destination and Hotspot for Investment

Montenegro's coastline effortlessly blends opulence, showcased in super-yacht marinas and five-star hotels, with a distinctive historical charm. The harmonious fusion of medieval and modern elements has firmly established the country as a premier destination on the travel map.

Quoted by Lord Byron as the "most beautiful encounter between the land and the sea," Montenegro emerges not only as a picturesque haven but a promising canvas for investment. This Adriatic jewel is a seamless blend of majestic mountains and charming coastal towns, creating a captivating backdrop for potential investors.

This image provides fundamental information about Montenegro.
Ethnics in Montenegro

Montenegro is characterized by a blend of Montenegrin, Serbian, Albanian, and Bosniak ethnic groups. Montenegrins form the majority, while Serbs, Albanians, and Bosniaks contribute to the country's cultural diversity. Despite historical complexities, these groups coexist, reflecting a commitment to peaceful diversity. Montenegro emphasizes the recognition and respect of the rights of its diverse ethnic communities, fostering a harmonious and inclusive national identity.

EU membership by 2025

With all the negotiating chapters opened, the country enjoys a widespread support among EU members' officials, and accession of the country to the EU is considered possible by 2025, though as of November 2023, 30 out of 33 chapters still remain to be closed.

Tourism is the key Economic factor of Montenegro.
-Montenegro a top choice not only as a travel destination

Main reasons why people choose Montenegro even why  they are from top countries as UAE, UK and Switzerland:

  • Prospective EU membership and extensive infrastructure development
  • Low taxes
  • Amazing climate
  • Small country with a rich lifestyle
  • Low cost of living compared to Europe
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High Rental Yields

Annual income of Apartments in Montenegro are one of the highest in Europe by 5-8%.

Percent Change Between Price and Rent

Visa-Free Countries for Montenegrin Passport

Visa free countries including EU & Schengen countries, Russia, Turkey, UAE, Korea.
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